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Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Category: Minor Arcana, Court of Wands Position: 3 Keywords: Origin, Perspectives Element: Fire 🔥

The Three of Wands in Tarot refers to the process of personal development and expanding horizons. On a material level, it suggests achieving further stages in one’s career, increasing income, or improving physical condition, while in the spiritual sphere – internal evolution and consciously overcoming one’s limitations. This card is like a positive beacon in a spread: it indicates stabilization and faith in the future, advises optimism, and mobilizes cooperation with others. It does not promise immediate success, but it guarantees that patient effort and consistency will bear fruit in the long run.

Symbolism and Key Ideas of the Three of Wands

The illustration in the Rider-Waite deck shows a figure in rich attire, gazing into the distance from a high cliff. At the figure’s feet, three wands firmly planted in the ground symbolize the attained stability and readiness for action. On the river below, vessels sail – a sign of upcoming opportunities, prospects of expanding activities, travel, or growth. The person on the card is aware of past achievements, yet equally focused on what lies ahead. Their demeanor exudes confidence and calm. They remain anonymous, focused on the future, and uninterested in the opinions of others.

Meaning of the Three of Wands in the Upright Position


  • Development, dynamic activity, gradual strengthening of one’s position
  • Going beyond current boundaries, seeking new possibilities
  • Initial successes and encouragement for further work
  • A positive course for the future, solid foundations

The Three of Wands indicates a moment when a stable foundation has been achieved, and now it is time to broaden your horizons. This arcana heralds the realization of plans, increased income, strengthened relationships, or expanded knowledge. It opens up prospects – encouraging communication with others, finding allies, and collaboratively crafting new ideas. The card reinforces that solid groundwork has been laid and that the future looks promising. It is also a time to feel proud of past achievements and to find the energy to embrace new challenges.

Love and Relationships (Upright)

  • The beginning of a new phase in a relationship
  • Seeking freshness, creativity in building relationships
  • Introducing changes that deepen bonds
  • Indicating a possible step forward, such as an engagement or marriage

In the realm of emotions, the Three of Wands signifies a transition to a further phase in a relationship. Partners are ready to make bolder decisions, such as moving in together or making a serious declaration of feelings. This arcana highlights the positive nature of changes and indicates that a new chapter in love will bring satisfaction and stability.

Work and Finances (Upright)

  • Professional development, effective implementation of new plans
  • Joint projects, a cohesive team, profitable cooperation
  • Stable income, with prospects of asset growth
  • Positive momentum in business activities

In professional matters, the Three of Wands signals a favorable time for expanding one’s business, negotiating with partners, or entering new markets. The hard work of previous stages begins to pay off – there is a real opportunity to increase income, strengthen one’s position within the company, or turn a hobby into financial success.

Health and Mental Well-being (Upright)

  • Good condition and inner balance
  • A desire for physical and mental activity
  • An optimistic approach to challenges and resilience to stress
  • Openness to acquiring new experiences

The Three of Wands suggests a harmonious state of the body and a clear mind. It heralds a positive mindset with minimal emotional tension. The card often indicates individuals who, after a period of hesitation, regain their self-belief and are ready to face new challenges.

Situations and Questions (Upright)

  • The end of passive contemplation, the time for action has arrived
  • Space for development, engagement in new projects
  • Confidence in the chosen course and determination to achieve goals
  • Readiness to explore new areas of life

On a spiritual level, the Three of Wands emphasizes liberation from doubt and sensing the right moment to take the next step. It is a time to boldly utilize resources and connections. It also suggests that after a period of preparation, one can confidently embark on something larger and decisively move forward.

Reversed Meaning of the Three of Wands in Tarot


  • A dampening of enthusiasm, confusion
  • Doubts, lack of coordination in action
  • Excessive assertiveness or arrogance
  • Loss of clear perspectives, disappointment

In the reversed position, the card indicates a loss of a clear vision for the future. Difficulties and uncertainties arise regarding the chosen path. Excessive self-confidence might emerge, which can lead to conflicts or isolation from support. The querent loses their reference point, making the realization of plans problematic. Now, the priority is to calm down, organize one’s thoughts, and reassess priorities.

Love and Relationships (Reversed)

  • A desire to withdraw, a need for respite from intense emotions
  • Fading enthusiasm, a lack of willingness for greater commitment
  • Internal conflicts, uncertainty about the relationship’s future
  • Time to reconsider whether the relationship is worthwhile

The reversed Three of Wands in the emotional sphere indicates a temporary standstill or withdrawal. Partners may feel overwhelmed by too many stimuli and need distance to evaluate the direction in which they are heading. This isn’t inherently negative; rather, it signals that it’s time to take a pause and avoid rushing into changes.

Work and Finances (Reversed)

  • Lack of fluidity in executing plans
  • Unstable footing, temporary financial issues
  • Slowed implementations, a need to rethink strategy
  • Caution in taking risks

In the professional realm, the reversed card warns of a period marked by uncertainty and difficulties in implementing new ideas. It advises slowing down, avoiding sudden moves, and postponing ambitious projects. Now is the time to focus on smaller tasks and manage funds more cautiously.

Health and Mental Well-being (Reversed)

  • Minor ailments, e.g. colds
  • A decline in enthusiasm, lack of motivation to act
  • Uncertainty, fear of challenges
  • The need to step back and reassess priorities

The reversed Three of Wands signifies reduced energy and enthusiasm. It is a time when one’s mood becomes more subdued and there may be a slight drop in performance. It is advisable to take time to rest and gradually rebuild one’s strength.

Situations and Questions (Reversed)

  • The need to analyze past actions
  • A temporary lack of progress, uncertainty about the future direction
  • Holding back on far-reaching plans
  • A recommendation to focus on simple tasks and small successes

The reversed Three of Wands in the spiritual realm suggests a standstill. Instead of moving forward with zeal, it is better to pause and reflect on what is truly valuable. This position emphasizes that one does not always have to rush ahead – sometimes a break in the journey allows for the gathering of strength and a fresh perspective on life.

Advice and Warnings of the Three of Wands Card

Upright Position: Advice: Break through boundaries, trust in your abilities, and open yourself to new contacts. This is an excellent moment to invest in yourself and plan your next steps. Warning: Do not let enthusiasm turn into haste. Remember that patience and collaboration with others will yield more lasting success.

Reversed Position: Advice: Hold back your impulses, cultivate calm, and reconsider your previous decisions. Measure your strength before proceeding. Warning: Do not allow a temporary lack of self-confidence to close you off from future possibilities. Reflect on your plans and do not give up on your dreams when initial difficulties arise.

Three of Wands: The Card of the Day Meaning

Upright Position: The day will be marked by energy, stability, and real opportunities for growth. You can successfully take steps that bring you closer to future successes. Consistent actions and clear plans will help you make the most of this favorable moment.

Reversed Position: The reversed Three of Wands signals that today it is worthwhile to slow down. The absence of spectacular breakthroughs does not signify failure – rather, it is a period of pause and gaining perspective. Focus on small steps, rebuild your strength, and do not be discouraged by delays. In time, you will regain your creative power and self-confidence.

Other cards from the Minor Arcana