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Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Category: Minor Arcana, Court of Swords Position: 6 Keywords: Redemption, Enlightenment Active element: Air 💨

The Six of Swords is an image of a situation in which a difficult but necessary detachment from the past occurs. The feeling of loss and coldness that accompanies this stage can be painful. However, this void can become a space for new possibilities. Escaping from one's current sphere of life creates an opportunity for liberation and gaining perspective, although it is not easy. In the upright position, the card shows the courage to leave familiar shores in favor of uncertain horizons. On the other hand, when reversed, it warns against rash decisions and hasty departures that may turn out to be a mistake.

Symbolism and Key Ideas of the Six of Swords

In the classic Rider-Waite Tarot, we see a boat with three figures. An adult rows, while a woman (or a person in the role of a passenger) sits at the front along with a child. The swords embedded in the boat symbolize the concepts and memories that the figures take with them on the journey. The water transitions from being turbulent on one side of the boat to calmer on the other, suggesting a gradual easing of tensions. Clothing in subdued colors and the empty, gloomy landscape speak of an atmosphere of resignation and sorrow. However, this cutting off from the old and turning toward the new is an important stage on the path of development.

Meaning of the Six of Swords in the Upright Position


  • Leaving behind old patterns, experiences, and relationships
  • Seeking other possibilities and directions for action
  • Coming to terms with the necessity of change, despite longing and pain
  • A turning point — the understanding that what was is now over

In the upright position, the Six of Swords indicates a process of leaving a comfortable, yet outdated, situation. Although it is difficult, it brings hope for a new perspective. It is not about a triumphant victory, but rather about accepting farewell. It may pertain to a job change, the end of a relationship, or a relocation. The most important thing is to move forward without looking back too much.

Love and Relationships (Upright)

  • A breakup that is difficult but necessary
  • Abandoning a relationship that no longer fulfilled
  • Unwillingness to enter new relationships — a necessary period of mourning
  • Gradually freeing oneself from emotional chains

In the context of relationships, the Six of Swords in its upright position signifies leaving a partner or definitively closing a certain chapter. This might be difficult, but it is inevitable. It is not a time for building new bonds, rather for coming to terms with the sense of loss and organizing your feelings before the moment when you are ready for new connections.

Work and Finances (Upright)

  • Leaving the current position or ending a contract
  • A transitional period in the professional sphere due to a lack of further prospects
  • The need to limit expenses, living on more modest means
  • Preparing for a change of career path or the closure of a project

In the professional sphere, the Six of Swords signals a moment when an old job or industry has ceased to provide benefits. It encourages abandoning previous activities, even if that means entering a period of temporary scarcity. It is a signal: it’s time to search for a new challenge and plan your next steps.

Health and Mental State (Upright)

  • Lowered immunity, susceptibility to colds and illnesses
  • A state of nostalgia, depression, and the need to withdraw into oneself
  • The need for rest and reflection on one's life priorities
  • Emotional mourning after a loss, but with hope for recovery

Regarding health and mental state, this card indicates a period of physical and psychological weakness. The querent may feel tired, lacking energy, and prone to melancholy. It is a moment to slow down, focus on inner peace, and recover after difficult experiences.

Situations and Inquiries (Upright)

  • A final farewell to the old phase, stepping out of the comfort zone
  • Acceptance of the idea that change is necessary
  • Understanding that leaving something behind is a step toward progress
  • A chance for cleansing and for finding a new path

Spiritually, the Six of Swords signifies abandoning long-outdated patterns. It reminds us that closing one door allows another to open. Even if the transition is painful, it is worth recognizing as a stage of evolution necessary for development.

Reversed Meaning of the Six of Swords


  • Resistance to change and lingering in unfavorable conditions
  • Fears of a new path, a lack of courage to move forward
  • Unsuccessful attempts to escape problems, falling into the same patterns
  • A strong attachment to past events that hinders development

In the reversed position, the card signals a deep-seated resistance to transformation. People are afraid to take a step forward because of the fear of the unknown. They may remain in relationships that drain them or persist in a job without prospects, fearing that change will only worsen the situation.

Love and Relationships (Reversed)

  • Staying in a toxic or barren relationship despite evident losses
  • Fear of loneliness that paralyzes the possibility of ending the relationship
  • A lack of hope for something better, repeating old mistakes
  • Attempts to “fix” the unfixable, leading to even greater suffering

The reversed Six of Swords in love indicates being entangled in unsatisfying relationships. Instead of moving on, the querent opts for stagnation and the repetition of negative patterns. It is a time to ask yourself whether the fear of loneliness is worth further self-destruction.

Work and Finances (Reversed)

  • Inability to leave an unfavorable position, a lack of courage for change
  • Clinging to work that yields no profit, maintained out of habit
  • Market obstacles and a lack of opportunities for development or financial improvement
  • Investing efforts in ventures doomed to failure

The reversed Six of Swords in the professional sphere speaks of stagnation and an inability to make better decisions. The querent clings to an unproductive pattern. The absence of a real alternative, or the courage to seek one, leads to a growing sense of frustration.

Health and Mental State (Reversed)

  • Exacerbation of inflammatory conditions, difficulties in recovering
  • Avoidance of help, reluctance to change one's lifestyle or undergo therapy
  • Emotional instability, a lack of consistency in dealing with problems
  • Continuing harmful mental patterns

In terms of health and mental state, the reversed card indicates a person who avoids treatment and sinks into prolonged troubles. Rather than seeking help, they sink deeper into illness and negative emotional states.

Situations and Inquiries (Reversed)

  • Difficulties in leaving a negative environment
  • Remaining in toxic patterns and reluctance to break the status quo
  • Seeking guarantees and certainty that do not exist
  • Renouncing the possibility of development, being stuck in a deadlock

Spiritually, the reversed Six of Swords signifies resistance to change. Instead of crossing the threshold of the known and venturing on an uncertain journey, the person hides in a semblance of safety. This stagnation prevents the discovery of a better version of oneself.

Advice and Warnings of the Six of Swords Card

Upright Position: Advice: Cut off from whatever is limiting you. Making the decision to leave, change, or depart from the wrong environment is a step toward development. Warning: Don't look back. Trying to return to the old situation will only prolong the pain.

Reversed Position: Advice: Don't rush into radical changes. It might take time to understand which direction to take. Warning: Avoiding decisions and remaining in stagnation breeds further problems. A lack of courage to take a step forward may come at a high cost.

Six of Swords: The Card of the Day Meaning

Upright Position: Today, you may face the need to free yourself from something that no longer serves your well-being. It is difficult, but believe that afterwards you will feel relief. By closing one chapter, you gain the space to step onto a new path, even though it may hurt temporarily.

Reversed Position: On this day, you may sense tremendous uncertainty. You would like change, but something is holding you back. Fear of the unknown causes you to remain in an unsatisfactory situation. This is a warning: indecision and delaying progress only prolong the difficult situation.

Other cards from the Minor Arcana