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Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Category: Minor Arcana, Sword Court Position: 4 Keywords: Solitude, Reflections Element: Air 💨

Four of Swords is often a card full of contradictions. On one hand, it indicates the need for detachment, for finding peace, and on the other – it reminds us of the passage of time and the inevitability of certain phenomena. Here we have an image of memories from the past, a well-deserved rest after hardships, but also a confrontation with that which cannot be undone. Sometimes it evokes nostalgia and pride for past achievements, while at other times it prompts the recognition of one’s own limitations and the fact that many matters have reached their end.

Symbolism and Key Ideas of the Four of Swords

In the classic Rider-Waite deck, we see a knight lying on a stone slab, in a pose resembling a figure from a tomb monument. His hands are clasped in a gesture of prayer or contemplation, and in the background on the wall we observe a stained glass window with religious symbolism. Three swords hang vertically on the wall, while the fourth rests on the slab, emphasizing the suspension of action and the absence of necessity for making new decisions. All efforts have been left behind, and what has been done remains untouched.

This image alludes to states of calm, contemplation, and detachment from current affairs. The element of Air reminds us that thoughts and ideas do not vanish, but now arrange themselves in silence, without the need for a reaction. On one hand, it may be a blessed peace, while on the other – a bitter realization of limits, the passage of time, and the irreversibility of certain events.

Meaning of the Four of Swords Card in Upright Position


  • Withdrawal, pause, allowing time for rest
  • Setting matters aside, no need for action
  • Acceptance of the status quo, calming the mind
  • A period of reflection, analyzing the past, lessons learned from previous experiences

The Four of Swords in its upright position symbolizes a moment when we can distance ourselves from daily obligations and external pressures. Essentially, it means the opportunity to take a breath, to be alone with one’s thoughts and memories. It is a time for a dignified rest after hardships – just like the knight who no longer needs to prove anything. This is not the time for new actions, but rather for reflection and coming to terms with what cannot be reversed.

Love and Relationships (upright)

  • Stabilization without the need for further struggle
  • Less emotional involvement, yet maintaining respect and familiarity
  • Relationships built on solid foundations, without passionate upheavals
  • No desire to seek new love, rather an acceptance of the status quo

In relationships, the Four of Swords points to a phase of calm. Partners may remain together out of habit, without feeling the need to rekindle emotions. It is more of a familiar routine than a burst of passion. If someone is single, they will be content with solitude, not pursuing new acquaintances. At this time, peace is more important than change.

Work and Finances (upright)

  • A period of rest after an intense phase of work
  • Passive income, funds from the past, pension or retirement
  • No pressure to earn, financial stability
  • Avoidance of risky investments, calmly accepting the situation

In the professional and financial realm, this phase signifies rest and refraining from new initiatives. The card suggests maintaining the current position rather than striving for growth. One might be dealing with passive income, benefits, or previously acquired funds. Now there is no need to exert effort – simply adapt to the conditions at hand and make use of the resources already available.

Health and Mental Well-Being (upright)

  • A need for regeneration and quieting the body
  • Physical weakness or a condition requiring bed rest, limiting activity
  • A need for calm, avoiding stress
  • Emotional inhibition and a cautious approach to one’s surroundings

The Four of Swords can indicate convalescence after illness, a forced period of rest for both body and mind. The individual may experience a lack of energy or will to act. A positive aspect is the opportunity to reflect on oneself and the direction of life. This is a time in which we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, without judging too harshly, and accept limitations as an intrinsic part of the healing process.

Situations and Questions (upright)

  • A period of spiritual reflection, inner self-work
  • A focus on the meaning of existence, questions about the essence of being
  • A break from external stimuli, disconnecting from the world
  • A time to understand that certain matters have concluded

On a spiritual level, it is a moment when the seeker tries to understand their place in the world. They refrain from engaging in immediate conflicts and from following trends. Instead, they prefer introspection, analyzing personal experiences and spiritual needs. They accept what cannot be changed, and learn how to live with that awareness.

Reversed Meaning of the Four of Swords


  • Resistance to accepting reality, rebellion against limitations
  • Fear, anger, desperate attempts to change the situation
  • Deepening unrest, a lack of sense-making
  • Inability to rest, resulting in chaos instead of calm

Reversed, the Four of Swords indicates a difficulty in achieving inner balance. The individual battles against facts, attempts to turn back time, or tries to influence circumstances that have slipped out of control. As a result, energy is depleted, and the person is tormented by fears and frustrations. Instead of allowing themselves to accept reality, they endeavor to confront it at all costs, which only leads to further disappointment.

Love and Relationships (reversed)

  • Forced isolation, limiting the partner’s freedom
  • Emotional coldness, a lack of understanding, communication difficulties
  • Attempting to maintain a relationship by force despite the absence of genuine feelings
  • Inability to let go, remaining trapped in toxic bonds

In its reversed form, the card depicts a challenging atmosphere in relationships. It may involve control, manipulation, or staying in a relationship without prospects. Instead of acceptance and free breathing, tension and a feeling of imprisonment arise. Singles also fail to find solace – either attracting the wrong people or not being ready for authenticity and understanding.

Work and Finances (reversed)

  • Uncertainty in the workplace, disarray in responsibilities
  • Unfulfilled ambitions, a sense of not fitting into the role
  • Passivity stemming from the fear of change, a lack of tangible actions
  • Mismanagement of resources, unsuccessful attempts to improve the situation

Within the professional sphere, the reversed card suggests a lack of harmony. On one hand, the querent does not wish to remain in the current state, yet on the other, they are not making any effort to seek alternatives. Finances become unstable, and a lack of vision and courage prevents growth and positive change.

Health and Mental Well-Being (reversed)

  • A deterioration in health, an absence of rest and regeneration
  • Intense emotional tension, difficulties in finding relief
  • Low self-esteem, self-destructive thoughts
  • Depression, a feeling of emptiness, and a reluctance to care for oneself

The reversed Four of Swords may indicate that the body begins to protest against unresolved emotional issues. The individual is unable to grant themselves rest, and stress and worry adversely affect their health. The failure to accept one’s limitations only exacerbates emotional turmoil and physical weakness.

Situations and Questions (reversed)

  • Avoidance of truth, rebellion against irreversible changes
  • Artificially sustaining illusions, a lack of realism
  • Attempting to gain approval from others instead of seeking inner balance
  • Confusion, abandoning introspection in favor of empty gestures

On a spiritual level, this signals that the querent is protecting themselves from inner calm. Instead of accepting the unchangeable, they choose to battle their own shadows. This kind of rebellion yields no positive outcome – only deepening the sense of loss and disillusionment with the world.

Advice and Warnings of the Four of Swords Card

Upright Position: Advice: Allow yourself a break and acceptance of that which is constant and unchangeable. Permit yourself to reflect on past events without the need for an immediate reaction. Warning: Do not force movement if the conditions are not right. Struggling yields nothing.

Reversed Position: Advice: Consider whether your attempts to change that which cannot be changed are causing more harm than good. Warning: Fighting against reality only deepens the chaos. Do not run away from yourself, and do not pretend to be someone you are not.

Four of Swords: The Card of the Day

Upright Position: Today you can take a breath without engaging in any new challenges. It is a time for looking back, quiet contemplation, and allowing yourself peace. No drastic moves are necessary, and trying to force changes would be futile. A moment of respite will help you gain perspective and view the situation from another angle.

Reversed Position: This day might be filled with unrest and ambiguity. The changes you anticipate may not arrive as quickly as you wish, and resisting the circumstances only strengthens the feeling of helplessness. Try not to provoke turmoil and avoid actions that would deepen your frustration. It is better to wait out this phase than to desperately try to turn back time or reverse the inevitable.

Other cards from the Minor Arcana