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Five of Coins

Five of Coins

Category: Minor Arcana, Coin Court Position: 5 Keywords: Poverty, Despair Active element: Earth ⛰️

The Five of Coins is considered the most compassionate card in the entire Tarot deck. It depicts situations of extreme deficit – whether material, mental, or spiritual – serving as a strong signal of crisis. However, it is worth noting that this harsh lesson is not always a condemnation, but rather a stimulus for reflection. In the reversed position, the card indicates even more challenging scenarios, where not only the lack of resources but also a hostile attitude becomes dominant. The Five of Coins illustrates how crucial it is to take responsibility for one’s own life and maintain a sober assessment of circumstances, especially when the environment is not always willing to help.

Symbolism and Key Ideas of the Five of Coins

In the classic Rider-Waite Tarot, we see two beggars walking through a winter landscape. The woman tries to cover herself with rags, while the man, using a crutch, has bandages on his body and a small bell symbolizing isolation due to leprosy. In the background, a richly decorated window—perhaps a stained glass window from a luxurious house or church that symbolizes abundance and security from which the wanderers are excluded—can be seen. The contrast between the cold, poverty, and lack of help with the wealth hidden behind walls clearly demonstrates the gap between those in need and the world of prosperity.

Meaning of the Five of Coins in the Upright Position


  • Crisis and a shortage of essential resources
  • A sense of hopelessness, living in extreme need
  • Isolation, lack of support from the surroundings
  • Difficult life experiences that require perseverance

In the upright position, the Five of Coins focuses on extreme absence – whether money, health, or mental strength. The card signals a difficult period during which one feels abandoned and deprived of support. It is a time to confront lack and scarcity. Nevertheless, the Arcana suggests that an escape is possible, even if it is not yet visible.

Love and Relationships (Upright)

  • Relationships that do not bring happiness, entangled in a circle of difficult emotions
  • Entrenched destructive patterns, lack of growth
  • Dependency on a partner, lack of authentic feelings
  • Difficulty in finding the right person and a sense of loneliness

In matters of the heart, the Five of Coins emphasizes a relationship that lacks mutual growth or support. It may also symbolize prolonged loneliness and a lack of faith in meeting the right partner. The hidden hint is that it might be wise to break away from such a situation and seek something more valuable.

Work and Finances (Upright)

  • A lack of means to live, a difficult financial situation
  • No prospects for a rapid improvement in material conditions
  • Minimal income, job loss, or lack of opportunities for growth
  • The need to cope without external help

In the professional and financial sphere, the Five of Coins indicates a period during which there is a lack of means to live, and securing a stable job proves extremely challenging. Layoffs or even bankruptcy may occur. However, the card reminds us that although times are hard, this situation is not permanent, and a way out of the troubles will appear after working through the lessons and adopting alternative strategies.

Health and Mental State (Upright)

  • Serious illnesses or health limitations
  • Lack of access to effective treatment, expensive procedures
  • A feeling of powerlessness, depressive moods
  • Difficulties in accepting one’s own weaknesses, being trapped in pain

Regarding health and mental well-being, the card points to severe health issues, a lack of access to effective treatment, or the means to afford it. It is a moment when one feels abandoned and overwhelmed by their limitations. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that although the situation may appear tragic, an opportunity for improvement could emerge in the future.

Situations and Questions (Upright)

  • The necessity to come to terms with a period of scarcity and losses
  • A slowdown of plans, necessitating a rethinking of priorities
  • Acknowledging limitations and attempting to adapt to harsh conditions
  • A confrontation with the material and emotional aspects of poverty

When it comes to other situations, the Five of Coins carries a message about harsh experiences that must be accepted before any chance for change arises. It is crucial to understand that the current condition is temporary and that its purpose is to spark reflection on one’s values and goals.

Reversed Meaning of the Five of Coins


  • An intensification of the crisis and no prospects for improvement
  • An aggressive attitude towards the world and a lack of scruples
  • Extreme cases of lawlessness, harming others
  • Internal darkness as external norms are rejected

In its reversed position, the card takes on an even darker shade. Not only is there a lack of means to live, but there is also a reluctance to acquire them in an honest way. Misdeeds, aggression, and even criminal behavior emerge. It is a moment when a person loses their sense of humanity, and those in need become a threat rather than objects of compassion.

Love and Relationships (Reversed)

  • A destructive relationship or pathological attachment
  • A partner exploiting someone emotionally, financially, or psychologically
  • Undervaluing oneself, living as a victim
  • Fear of loneliness, desperately clinging to false relationships

In the realm of love, the reversed Five of Coins signifies exhausting relationships from which neither party derives positive emotions. It is not only a lack of love but also mutual exploitation. It is time to break off such arrangements before they lead to the complete impoverishment of the soul.

Work and Finances (Reversed)

  • Lack of stable employment, complete financial collapse
  • Hunger and fear for the future, with no hope for improvement
  • An unreliable work environment, dishonest methods of earning
  • Even minor opportunities are squandered or dismissed

In professional and financial matters, the reversed card symbolizes extreme poverty, a lack of legitimate means of earning, and a deepening entanglement in problems. In such a state, desperation might drive one towards drastic measures, making an escape seem impossible.

Health and Mental State (Reversed)

  • Advanced illnesses with no possibility of cure
  • A tendency towards self-destruction or living without hope
  • Moral and spiritual degeneration, a lack of principles
  • A person becomes a threat to themselves and others

The reversed Five of Coins depicts a state where physical and moral decline have hit rock bottom. The card suggests that a person may deliberately reject all societal norms, succumbing to corruption without regard for the consequences.

Situations and Questions (Reversed)

  • A loss of life’s meaning, renunciation of values
  • Complete deprivation of hope for oneself and others for a better tomorrow
  • Falling into the abyss of negative experiences
  • Rejecting help, refusing any form of rescue

In a spiritual context, the reversed Five of Coins shows that a person has reached the edge of an abyss and refuses to turn back. They choose endless darkness, rejecting any possibility for improvement or growth. This is a stark message about the dangerous consequences of ignoring one’s own humanity.

Advice and Warnings of the Five of Coins

Upright Position: Advice: Accept the difficult phase, cut down on expenses, secure yourself, and try to weather the crisis. Warning: Acting forcefully will only worsen the situation. It is better to wait it out than to take desperate measures.

Reversed Position: Advice: Do not engage in matters that will pull you deeper down. Escape from a toxic environment. Warning: Attempting to "help" the wrong people is dangerous. You may only end up harming yourself as others take advantage of your vulnerability.

Five of Coins: Card of the Day Meaning

Upright Position: The day will be marked by scarcity and a sense of powerlessness. You might find yourself lacking money or support, facing the absence of something essential and feeling left on your own. Although painful, this will allow you to mature, reassess your priorities, and prepare for better days.

Reversed Position: Today, you may experience an extreme sense of loss or sadness. Instead of seeking rescue, you drift further into darker territories. Beware of wandering down dangerous paths. It is better to limit contacts and avoid risky decisions, as these can only deepen your difficulties.

Other cards from the Minor Arcana