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Three of Swords

Three of Swords

Category: Minor Arcana, Sword Court Position: 3 Keywords: Sorrow, Grief Element: Air 💨

The Three of Swords is regarded as one of the most painful cards in the entire Tarot deck. The image on it suggests a merciless blow to the most vulnerable area – the human heart. Through this Arcana, we feel how deeply a person can be hurt, especially when their innermost feelings are involved. Nevertheless, even after the most painful wounds, the heart continues to beat, and if the card appears in a reversed position, it speaks of particularly difficult stages of inner struggle and potential burnout. It is the moment when one becomes most susceptible to their own weaknesses, and at the same time may fall victim to wounded pride or helplessness.

Symbolism and Key Ideas of the Three of Swords

In the Rider-Waite deck, the Three of Swords is depicted as a heart pierced by three blades, set against the backdrop of a gloomy, rainy sky. The red of the heart evokes images of passionate, sincere feelings that are now bleeding, though, surprisingly, without a visible drop of blood. The clouds and rain symbolize unending sadness, heavy emotions, and the lack of hope. This scene portrays the pain that can accompany love and trust, as well as the disappointment when dreams and hopes are trampled.

Meaning of the Three of Swords in the Upright Position

Main characteristics:

  • Betrayal, disillusionment, emotional disappointment
  • Intense emotional pain, loss of faith in the sincerity of relationships
  • An environment that hurts and offers no support
  • A period of deep despair, a challenging phase of life

The upright placement of this card often signifies a moment of extreme disillusionment. Everything you once believed in may turn out to be a lie. It is a symbol of loss, suffering, and tears. One feels exposed and vulnerable. The trust placed in loved ones has been shattered. There arises a conviction that happiness exists only as an illusion. At this stage, the heart is injured, and the future appears in dark hues.

Love and Relationships (Upright)

  • Painful betrayal, including infidelity, lies, and broken promises
  • The breakdown of bonds, the loss of a loved one
  • A heart filled with tears, in need of time and solitude
  • Difficult experiences that will linger in memory for a long time

In the realm of relationships, the upright Three of Swords signifies the end of an idyll. It is the moment when illusions shatter and reality reveals a cruel truth. This may be an indication of betrayal, the sudden departure of a partner, or a discovery that undermines the very foundations of the relationship. Emotions become burdensome, and the heart requires time to heal its wounds.

Work and Finances (Upright)

  • Exhausting, mentally taxing work
  • A lack of support from the team, deceptive financial tactics
  • Loss of resources, problems with maintaining budget balance
  • Helping others without reciprocity, unappreciated efforts

In the professional sphere, the Three of Swords indicates a lack of positive relationships with those around you, and at times manipulative behavior at work. You might be deeply affected by the unethical actions of colleagues or clients. Money and resources become less significant when bitterness and disappointment take center stage. One feels that their commitment has been trampled upon or even ridiculed.

Health and Psyche (Upright)

  • Risk of heart problems and circulatory issues
  • Exhaustion, burnout, reduced immunity
  • A torn mind, mental anguish, sleep disturbances
  • Intense emotions that require time and attention

Physical and mental health can suffer greatly under the influence of the Three of Swords. The pain tied to the heart can spread to the body, potentially causing circulatory irregularities. Emotional suffering leads to chronic stress and calls for appropriate support or therapy.

Situations and Questions (Upright)

  • A forced confrontation with a painful truth
  • Experiencing betrayal and the abandonment of illusions
  • An opportunity to learn through pain and understand human frailties
  • A path to compassion and wisdom, albeit at the cost of suffering

On a spiritual level, this card reflects an initiation through suffering. To develop empathy and the capacity to understand the experiences of others, one sometimes must endure their own wounds. This challenging phase can lay the foundation for deeper wisdom and true compassion.

Reversed Meaning of the Three of Swords


  • Transforming pain into anger and a desire for revenge
  • Aggression, harboring resentment, and the urge for retribution
  • Difficult experiences that push one towards unethical behavior
  • Inner bitterness stemming from injustice

When the Three of Swords appears reversed, sorrow turns into anger, and instead of a wounded victim, one may become ready to inflict pain on others. This state is marked by a refusal to forgive, deepening wounds, and the fueling of negative emotions. Such an attitude only exacerbates the crisis instead of resolving it.

Love and Relationships (Reversed)

  • Hidden anger and resentment towards the partner
  • Unforgiven grievances, quarrels that fuel a spiral of hatred
  • A desire to pay back in kind
  • The breakdown of affection, with little hope for reconciliation

In the area of relationships, the reversed Three of Swords indicates that behind a facade of silence lies anger and a strong urge to settle scores. Every mistake committed by the partner further deepens the conflict, leading to suppressed resentment and hostility replacing love.

Work and Finances (Reversed)

  • Work without heart, indifference, and a lack of ethics
  • Jealousy and attempts to undermine others authority
  • Efforts to achieve success or gain at the expense of moral principles
  • A sense of injustice and the desire to even the score

The reversed Three of Swords in the professional world signals a degradation of moral values. People no longer consider the consequences of their actions, focusing solely on revenge or immediate financial gain. It is a hostile environment where there is little room for trust or sincere cooperation.

Health and Psyche (Reversed)

  • Heart conditions take on a more dangerous form
  • A refusal to address emotional issues
  • Psychological blockage leading to aggression and the escalation of fears
  • A lack of empathy, manifesting as cold cruelty

In terms of health and psyche, the reversed Three of Swords indicates that problems can deepen. Denying oneself the right to feel pain and sadness leads to a state where negative emotions dominate. Rather than seeking to heal, one may instead look for opportunities to inflict further pain.

Situations and Questions (Reversed)

  • An internal battle with negative emotions, overcome by overwhelming intensity
  • The denial of love, and a lack of willingness to understand or empathize
  • Viewing the world as a battlefield rather than a place for compassion
  • Difficulty in freeing oneself from past wounds

On a spiritual plane, this sign indicates that the seeker is unable to come to terms with and process pain. Instead of drawing lessons from their experiences, they focus on revenge, thus unleashing further waves of negativity. It is a moment when higher values recede, leaving one mired in anger and hostility.

Advice and Warnings of the Three of Swords

Upright Position: The Three of Swords advises not to suppress your sadness. Admit your wound and give yourself the time to cry and grieve. Do not pretend that nothing has happened. It is better to allow your emotions to flow freely through your heart than to feign indifference. Be warned that trying to mask the pain may only prolong the suffering.

Reversed Position: The card suggests not succumbing to the urge for revenge. Anger and hostility are a dead end. Though difficult, it is better to seek a way to transform negativity into something constructive. It warns against assuming the role of a persecutor. Even if someone has been hurt, repeating such behavior will only lead to even deeper wounds.

Three of Swords: Meaning of the Card of the Day

Upright Position: The day may bring a painful message or disappointment. You might learn of something sad that touches you deeply. These moments will require you to face your negative emotions honestly. It is better not to hide your despair, to allow yourself the right to cry, and to seek support from those close to you.

Reversed Position: The reversed Three of Swords speaks of a moment when the desire for revenge or aggression might tempt you into hasty decisions. It is a day when anger proves to be a poor advisor. It is best to refrain from radical actions to avoid sinking even deeper into negative energy. Sometimes, it is simply necessary to let the difficult times pass rather than adding salt to the wounds.

Other cards from the Minor Arcana