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Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

Category: Minor Arcana, Court of Swords Position: 7 Keywords: Deception, Betrayal Active element: Air 💨

The Seven of Swords is one of the most suspicious and challenging cards in the tarot. On one hand, it indicates deceit, dishonesty, and a willingness to resort to immoral means to achieve a goal. On the other, this Arcana also suggests cunning, the ability to creatively bypass obstacles, and an avoidance of direct confrontations. In the world of the Seven of Swords, intelligence and ingenuity play a key role. This card can inspire unconventional solutions, but it also warns that overly manipulative tactics may eventually backfire.

Symbolism and Key Ideas of the Seven of Swords

In the classic Rider-Waite deck, we see a figure stealthily departing from camp, carrying five swords in hand while the other two are stuck in the ground. The figure glances back as if fearing that someone might notice his misdeed. This suggests both caution and covert action. The color scheme and scenery – tents, a military camp in the background – emphasize an atmosphere of scheming and intrigue. The sword is a symbol of thoughts, plans, and strategies. The act of stealing them can signify a rejection of open competition in favor of subtle methods to tip the scales of victory.

Meaning of the Seven of Swords Card in the Upright Position


  • Unconventional problem-solving, resourcefulness
  • Avoiding direct confrontations, timely withdrawal
  • Minor deceptions or manipulations in pursuit of a chosen goal
  • Delicate balancing on the edge of morality

The Seven of Swords in the upright position does not necessarily represent pure evil. Sometimes it requires agility and cunning to avoid open conflict or to escape a difficult situation. This Arcana may indicate the need for a tactical retreat or the use of intelligent solutions, which are not always entirely transparent.

Love and Relationships (upright)

  • Avoiding contentious topics to maintain peace in the relationship
  • A cautious approach to conflicts, opting for diplomacy over quarrels
  • For singles – difficulty in finding a serious partner
  • Sometimes using the other party as a comforter or confidante for problems, without a desire for true commitment

In emotional matters, the Seven of Swords can indicate a relationship in which one partner deliberately overlooks certain issues to avoid conflicts or disappointments. Although these tactics might seem innocent at first glance, they ultimately raise questions about the sincerity of the affection involved.

Work and Finance (upright)

  • A need for unconventional methods to cope at work
  • Surviving through cunning, with a lack of constant financial stability
  • Small loans, hasty financial maneuvers
  • Achieving goals with a quiet, though not always ethical, strategy

In the professional sphere, the Seven of Swords may represent individuals working behind the scenes, avoiding the limelight. Finances can be unstable, and to get out of trouble, one must think hard. It is a day-by-day challenge to maintain balance.

Health and Mental State (upright)

  • Hidden symptoms of illnesses or inflammations
  • The body manages on its own, although hidden problems may arise
  • A psyche tuned to intercept negative signals and neutralize them at the onset
  • A person serving as a filter, protecting their surroundings from aggression and tension

Regarding health, the Seven of Swords suggests that issues may lie beneath the surface, though they are not yet dangerous. Psychologically, it represents a mediator who cleverly avoids conflicts. The card emphasizes the need to respond with sensitivity and to control situations without resorting to force.

Situations and Questions (upright)

  • The ability to react quickly and adapt to challenging conditions
  • Deliberate avoidance of problems to prevent losses
  • Understanding that a quiet maneuver is preferable to open confrontation
  • An effort to maintain peace and security, even at the cost of compromise

Spiritually, the Seven of Swords teaches lessons in cunning and adaptability. It suggests that sometimes it is wiser to step away from the line of fire rather than fight tooth and nail. It also reminds us that not every success requires a confrontation – one can prevail by choosing less obvious methods.

Reversed Meaning of the Seven of Swords


  • Deception is exposed, schemes are unmasked
  • A cynical approach to matters, lack of loyalty, and excessive manipulation
  • Betrayal among close ones, exploiting someone's trust
  • Ineffective manipulations, with the plan shattering against brutal reality

The reversed Seven of Swords indicates situations where the intention of cunning turns into a clumsy attempt at deceit. Someone who banked on cleverness may instead prove to be nothing more than a swindler. This is a moment when trying to wriggle out of trouble ends in failure, with hidden intentions coming to light.

Love and Relationships (reversed)

  • Unmasking of lies, resulting in disappointment in a partner or friend
  • A façade of appearances leading to a loss of trust
  • Instead of discreet avoidance of issues – deliberate betrayal or slander
  • In extreme cases – the breakdown of a relationship when the truth is revealed

In matters of the heart, the reversed Seven of Swords speaks of relationships founded on falsehoods. A partner might hide insincere intentions behind flattering words. When everything comes out, it becomes very difficult to rebuild any trust.

Work and Finance (reversed)

  • Underhanded deals that eventually come to light
  • An employee or boss revealing their true colors – deceit in business
  • Degradation or loss of position when unethical methods fail to deliver the expected results
  • Financial maneuvers turning into a trap with no escape

In professional and financial contexts, the reversed Seven of Swords warns against reckless actions. Tricks and underhanded maneuvers will not produce the desired outcome, and the revelation of deceit may lead to serious consequences.

Health and Mental State (reversed)

  • Illnesses that can no longer be ignored – the condition worsens
  • A neglected health issue hitting with full force
  • A psyche in chaos – a lie that can no longer be sustained
  • Nervous reactions, shame, and fear of consequences

The reversed Seven of Swords indicates that any attempt to cover up health or psychological issues is futile. A lack of courage to confront one’s problems honestly only leads to further chaos.

Situations and Questions (reversed)

  • The belief in one’s own cunning turns out to be an illusion
  • The voice of conscience or external pressure forces a confrontation with the truth
  • The shattering of illusions and loss of reputation
  • A warning that one cannot keep maneuvering between the cracks of the system indefinitely

On a spiritual level, the reversed Seven of Swords teaches that a false path eventually leads to a dead end. Trying to circumvent rules and avoid honesty will ultimately result in encountering an impassable wall.

Advice and Warnings of the Seven of Swords Card

Upright Position: Advice: Be clever; do not be afraid of unconventional strategies. Avoid unnecessary confrontations. Warning: Do not cross moral boundaries. Be resourceful, but do not harm others.

Reversed Position: Advice: It is better to confess the truth than to continue with deceit. Consider the consequences. Warning: If someone plans to deceive you, it will soon come to light. If you are scheming, prepare to face the consequences.

Seven of Swords: Card of the Day Meaning

Upright Position: Today may require the use of cunning and subtlety. To reach your goal, you might choose a less direct route. This could involve quietly gathering information or avoiding contentious topics. Today, it is wise to measure your words and actions so as not to stir up unnecessary turmoil.

Reversed Position: If the card appears reversed, beware of intrigues. You might discover someone’s betrayal, or you could be caught in deceit yourself. Do not trust rumors; rely on your own judgment. The reversed Seven of Swords reminds you that every falsehood, sooner or later, will come to light.

Other cards from the Minor Arcana