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Five of Swords

Five of Swords

Category: Minor Arcana, Sword Court Position: 5 Keywords: Defeat, Retreat Active element: Air 💨

The Five of Swords is a complex and contradictory card. It signals a situation in which victory and defeat are difficult to clearly separate. It is a moment when the victory achieved does not bring joy, and defeat may paradoxically prove beneficial in the long run. After all, what good is a trophy if it turns out to be devoid of real value? This arcana warns against the blind pursuit of a goal at all costs. The card’s position in the spread will indicate whether it is worth withdrawing or to continue a fruitless struggle, much like Don Quixote battling windmills.

Symbolism and Key Ideas of the Five of Swords

In the classic Rider-Waite deck iconography, a scene reminiscent of a field defeat is depicted. In the foreground, a young man stands, holding several swords taken from the defeated. Those departing in the distance do so in resignation – one with slumped shoulders, the other with his gaze fixed on the ground. The background, featuring a pond and rocks, is cool and faded, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. The card depicts a conflict in which even a “victory” does not provide a sense of fulfillment. One may gain an advantage, but at such a high moral cost that it is difficult to call it a success.

This arcana is like a blade that does not strike the enemy, but merely shreds illusions and exposes a bitter truth. As a result, the querent may face a choice: withdraw in time or press on, risking far more than just personal pride.

Meaning of the Five of Swords Upright


  • An unpleasant end to a conflict, with no real winners
  • A victory with a bitter taste or a defeat devoid of prospects
  • A tense situation that does not lead to lasting benefits
  • A noticeable loss of energy and lack of satisfaction with the course of events

In the upright position, the Five of Swords indicates circumstances where, despite a theoretical success, there is no reason to celebrate. Perhaps the querent has invested considerable effort and precious time, but the outcome provides neither peace nor satisfaction. It is a moment of realizing that the price paid for victory is too high. Sometimes it is better to turn back, to let go, than to continue a draining dispute. The card calls for reflection on the meaning of further involvement in something that will not bring happiness.

Love and Relationships (Upright)

  • Difficulties in communication, escalation of tensions and quarrels
  • Partners competing rather than cooperating
  • A lack of reciprocity in feelings, a desire to dominate
  • In relationships there is no room for compromise; instead, unhealthy rivalry emerges

The Five of Swords in matters of the heart reveals relationships in which harmony is harder to achieve than discord. Instead of seeking joint solutions, partners insist on their own views, thereby hurting each other. In the end, love loses out to a war-like atmosphere, and the longer the conflict lasts, the harder it becomes to regain balance and trust.

Work and Finances (Upright)

  • A situation reminiscent of a battlefield: though victory is possible, it yields no real profit
  • Rivalry without long-term benefits
  • Earnings and gains do not offset the costs and sacrifices
  • Possible underhanded maneuvers or exploiting someone else’s weakness

In the professional and financial realm, the Five of Swords reveals an environment full of tension. You might win a tender or secure a contract, but the real profit will prove illusory. Someone may end up exploited or manipulated. The card advises considering whether it is truly worth fighting for this specific goal, given that it will not bring the expected satisfaction.

Health and Mental Wellbeing (Upright)

  • Treatment methods that are costly and painful, without certainty of improvement
  • Struggling with symptoms, yet without a lasting solution to the problem
  • An emotionally challenging period, with a lack of empathy and external support
  • Unpleasant emotions, a lack of understanding for one’s own suffering

Regarding health, the Five of Swords signals difficulties – both physical and mental. The costs of battling an illness or emotional problem may outweigh the benefits. As a result, instead of relief, frustration sets in, and the lack of deeper support brings about a sense of isolation in hardship.

Situations and Questions (Upright)

  • Recognizing the darker sides of life and human behavior
  • Confrontation with a harsh truth, recurring doubts
  • Learning through suffering, gaining wisdom from negative experiences
  • An attempt to understand the source of the problem and break out of the cycle of self and mutual harm

On a spiritual or life philosophy level, the Five of Swords shows that accepting failure or defeat is part of growth. To acquire deep wisdom, one must confront the harsh truth about others and oneself. This arcana encourages reflection on whether it is worth enduring a painful scenario or better to consciously withdraw and seek an alternative path.

Reversed Meaning of the Five of Swords


  • Complete defeat, with no illusions about the chances of success
  • Withdrawing from the fight, surrender, and abandoning the race
  • Realizing that further efforts are futile
  • Accepting a bitter lesson for the future and understanding one’s own limitations

In the reversed position, the Five of Swords takes on a different resonance: one realizes that nothing more will be achieved, and further attempts will only worsen the situation. It is a moment of capitulation, but also of learning lessons for the future. Paradoxically, such an end may become a starting point for new, better solutions, if the proper lessons are learned.

Love and Relationships (Reversed)

  • Disappointment, sadness, disbelief that the relationship can be renewed
  • Constant withdrawal and a lack of willingness to fight for the relationship
  • Losing the sense in building a life together
  • Being trapped in sorrow over lost love, or an opportunity for cleansing and a fresh start

In love, the reversed Five of Swords suggests capitulation. The partners no longer see any point in continuing the relationship, or the querent has come to understand that winning the other’s heart is unattainable. It is a time for mourning lost dreams and cooling down after turbulent emotions, paving the way for new opportunities in time.

Work and Finances (Reversed)

  • Loss of position, prestige, and resources
  • Lack of meaning in continued endeavors, failed investments
  • A lesson that will help avoid similar mistakes in the future
  • A time for rest after a defeat and reconsidering strategy

In the professional sphere, the reversed Five of Swords indicates incurred losses and the necessity of taking a step back. It is not worth fighting any further at this moment; it is better to accept defeat and learn from it. Though difficult, such a pause can ultimately foster growth and help avoid further mistakes.

Health and Mental Wellbeing (Reversed)

  • Prolonged treatment without spectacular improvement
  • Emotional exhaustion and a return to the starting point
  • Regret over lost opportunities, frustration and inwardly directed anger
  • The need to accept one’s own weaknesses

A reversed card in the context of health and mental state signifies growing helplessness. The querent may see that their efforts do not bring the expected results, and improvement remains distant. It is a difficult phase, but awareness of one’s limitations may form the foundation for better coping in the future.

Situations and Questions (Reversed)

  • Resistance to accepting reality
  • Stubborn clinging to illusions, seeking faults instead of accepting the facts
  • Avoiding responsibility for one’s own decisions
  • Missing the chance to break free from a negative pattern

The reversed Five of Swords is a refusal to give up on a dream that is unattainable anyway. It is a battle with shadows, wasting energy on something that should be left behind. By recognizing this situation, one can shorten their suffering and move toward more promising opportunities.

Advice and Warnings of the Five of Swords

Upright Position: Advice: It is better to let go before it’s too late, rather than invest in a lost cause. Accept that some paths do not lead to the desired happiness. Warning: Continuing a draining battle will deplete even more resources and energy.

Reversed Position: Advice: Make peace with the loss and do not reopen old wounds. It is better to focus on what you can learn from difficult experiences. Warning: Persisting in a negative pattern blocks access to new opportunities and possibilities.

Five of Swords: Card of the Day

Upright Position: Today may bring unpleasant outcomes. Perhaps you will face difficult news or come to the realization that your effort has not been sufficiently rewarded. Nevertheless, in time you will understand that this defeat may have spared you from even greater problems in the future.

Reversed Position: If the card appears reversed, the day promises continuous attempts to turn back time or reverse the unfavorable course of events. At the same time, emotions might lead you to desperate moves that will not yield the desired effect. It is better to accept what has happened rather than waste energy on plans that are impossible to realize.

Other cards from the Minor Arcana