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Four of Cups

Four of Cups

Category: Minor Arcana, Court of Cups Position: 4 Key words: Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction Element: Water 💧

Four of Cups is a moment of pause and deep reflection, marking the next stage of the journey initiated by the Ace of Cups. Where not long ago there was carefreeness and lightness, now a person begins to contemplate the meaning of their possessions and relationships in search of true value. On the surface nothing appears amiss – everything seems to be in order. Yet inside, questions arise: is this really what it was all about? The individual stands on the threshold of change, but before taking any steps, they observe, evaluate, and look within themselves.

Symbolism and Key Ideas of the Four of Cups

In the classic illustration, we see a person sitting under a tree, with arms crossed over the chest and gaze directed downward. In front of them stand three cups – symbols of what has already been achieved. From a cloud emerges a hand holding a fourth cup, offering another chance or proposition. However, the protagonist pays no attention to it, lost in contemplation. The surroundings are calm, the sky clear, yet what once brought joy now loses its charm. This scene portrays emotional stagnation and the need to reassess one's priorities.

Four of Cups represents emotional stability, but also a growing sense of boredom and inner turmoil. One feels that time is passing by while remaining stuck, unable to perceive the true meaning in what they have. This state can serve as a starting point for profound transformation.

Meaning of the Four of Cups Card in the Upright Position


  • Emotional stagnation, dissatisfaction with the status quo
  • Boredom, lack of motivation and excitement
  • A need for self-reflection and reassessment of one's place in life
  • Refraining from action, preferring observation and analysis

In the upright position, the Four of Cups reveals a moment when ease and abundance cease to bring joy. The querent can no longer find pleasure in familiar delights. They start questioning meaning and the future, pondering what to do next with their life. This state can impart valuable insight into what is truly desired – though it requires focus and a willingness to change.

Love and Relationships (Upright)

  • Stabilization of feelings, but also a decline in enthusiasm
  • Partners remain together out of habit, without a special spark
  • A lack of desire to seek a new relationship, surrendering initiative
  • Hidden longings for something more emerge, yet no action is taken

In the realm of emotions, the Four of Cups signifies a phase where the relationship is predictable and calm, yet devoid of passion and freshness. Instead of engagement, routine sets in. Individuals seeking love might settle for solitude, avoiding the challenges and uncertainties of new connections.

Work and Finances (Upright)

  • A stable but unexciting work environment
  • Sufficient means for living, though lacking ambition for growth
  • Basic needs are met, with no drive for raises or promotions
  • Possible external financial support or inherited funds

In professional and material matters, the card indicates a period without particular challenges or upheavals. Everything functions properly, but without flair. It is a time to reconsider one's approach to work and money, questioning whether the current situation truly brings satisfaction.

Health and Mental Well-being (Upright)

  • The need to care for both physical and mental balance
  • A tendency toward reflection, calmness, and attentiveness to personal needs
  • No dramatic health issues, rather stagnation and minor ailments
  • The necessity to listen carefully to one's body and mind to avoid a decline in mood

Four of Cups reminds you to take care not only of your physical well-being but also your emotional health. This is the moment to calmly assess your condition, supporting your body with a proper diet, rest, or relaxing activities.

Situations and Questions (Upright)

  • Serious reflections on the meaning of life and the role of the individual
  • A lack of immediate action, with a preference for observation and drawing conclusions
  • Contemplation of what is truly important versus what is imposed by surroundings
  • Preparation for potential future changes

In the spiritual realm, the card suggests a need for introspection and a fresh perspective on the world. Four of Cups is a time for seeking the authenticity of one's aspirations, resisting social pressures and habits that have lost their sparkle.

Reversed Meaning of the Four of Cups


  • Escaping into passivity or apathy, with a refusal to accept reality
  • Growing difficulties in finding happiness
  • Attempts to avoid confronting one's emotions, leading to withdrawal
  • Wasting opportunities due to indecision or inertia

Reversed, the Four of Cups signals that the querent is unable to come to terms with what fate brings, failing to capitalize on available opportunities. Clinging stubbornly to the comfort zone paradoxically does not bring relief but becomes a source of frustration. Unused potential and a lack of ideas for improvement can gradually worsen one's mood, leading to a state of dejection.

Love and Relationships (Reversed)

  • Suspension of emotions, with a lack of clear engagement
  • Hidden resentments or a coolness in relationships
  • Temporary rejection of opportunities for connection
  • Choosing solitude, even if it does not bring comfort

In the realm of feelings, the reversed card speaks of emotional distance and a lack of honesty with oneself or one's partner. It is a situation where both parties avoid difficult conversations, and instead of growing, the relationship remains stagnant, losing its meaning.

Work and Finances (Reversed)

  • Inability to utilize available resources
  • An unconstructive approach to obligations
  • Lack of motivation to improve one's financial state
  • Overcoming difficulties is hindered by a lack of initiative

Regarding professional and financial matters, the reversed Four of Cups denotes passivity, an inability to break the cycle of routine, and a failure to pursue better opportunities. One finds oneself mired in stagnation, not attempting to change direction despite potential benefits.

Health and Mental Well-being (Reversed)

  • The risk of physical decline due to neglected self-care
  • Succumbing to stress and negative emotions without seeking help
  • Discouragement and a lack of belief in one's own capabilities
  • Evading difficult emotions only worsens the state instead of providing relief

The reversed position of the card indicates fragility in both physical and mental health. The individual fails to take advantage of opportunities for recovery and strength. A declining mood and a lack of constructive action contribute to prolonged stagnation and dissatisfaction.

Situations and Questions (Reversed)

  • Internal resistance to accepting the situation
  • Avoidance of reflection and a lack of courage to ask difficult questions
  • Minor, illusory changes instead of genuine transformation
  • Abandonment of the search for deeper meaning

On a spiritual level, the reversed Four of Cups suggests that the querent is not ready to face their own emotions and needs. Rather than learning from the current state and starting to act, they prefer to linger in a state of lethargy.

Advice and Warnings of the Four of Cups Card

Upright Position: Advice: Give yourself time to examine your feelings and determine what you truly value. Instead of forcefully seeking novelty, appreciate what you have, but do not hesitate to draw conclusions and consider future changes. Warning: Excessive passivity might cause you to miss the moment when action is necessary. Do not delay too long.

Reversed Position: Advice: Consider whether you are avoiding the truth about yourself and your life. It might be worthwhile to recognize what is holding you back and seek support to break free. Warning: Stubbornly ignoring your own needs or reality may only deepen isolation and frustration.

Four of Cups: Card of the Day Meaning

Upright Position: Today is a time for reflection and retreat. You do not need to launch new initiatives. It is better to focus on observing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions. A moment of respite, although it may seem dull, will allow you to gain clarity.

Reversed Position: Today may be filled with discouragement and a lack of energy. Attempts to force a change will not yield results. It is better to accept temporary difficulties and simply ride out this period of gloom, rather than desperately fighting against the inevitable.

Other cards from the Minor Arcana