Category: Major Arcana, realm of the soul Position in the deck: 14 Zodiac sign: Sagittarius ♐
Temperance is a symbol of soothing calm and the longed-for balance. It is the state between extreme emotions and pursuits, where we find equilibrium and tranquility. This arcana encourages setting aside haste, allowing for the organization of thoughts and understanding of what truly matters in life. However, when the card appears reversed, it indicates a lack of decisiveness, inconsistency, and an excessive attachment to comfortable yet unproductive stagnation. Endless waiting and postponing initiatives can bring disappointment or the loss of opportunities that have been long awaited.
Symbolism and Guiding Ideas of the Temperance Card
In the classic Rider-Waite Tarot, an angel with bright hair and white robes is depicted pouring water from one golden chalice to another. He is surrounded by luminous colors and the sun symbol, and on his chest is a geometric figure – a square with an inscribed triangle, suggesting the connection between the earthly and the spiritual dimensions. One of the angel's feet rests on land, while the other is immersed in water, symbolizing the harmony between the material and emotional worlds. The vivid hues of his wings and the flowing water serve as a reminder of the necessity to find a middle ground between extremes, to act with moderation, and to wait with patience.
Meaning of the Temperance Card in the Upright Position
Key aspects:
- Balance and moderation in all areas of life.
- Adopting a calm approach to challenges, free from haste and pressure.
- Solving problems through patience, compromise, and finding the “golden mean”.
- Stabilization after a period of fluctuations, easing of conflicts.
When Temperance appears upright, it signifies that the time has come for calm and the wise management of one’s energy. The arcana points to the arrival of gentle solutions and finding order. The current situation does not demand drastic revolutions, but rather an appreciation of tranquility and the utilization of moments of respite to arrive at a conscious and mature decision.
Love and Relationships (Upright Position)
- A stable and harmonious relationship without violent disputes and drama.
- For singles – a period of inner balance that allows one to understand their own feelings.
- For couples – a gentle, mature approach to resolving problems.
- No rush in building relationships, allowing feelings to develop naturally.
In the realm of emotions, Temperance brings calm and mutual understanding. It indicates that emotions are under control and that partners are guided by reason and a desire to uphold harmony.
Work and Finances (Upright Position)
- A stable professional situation, free from unnecessary risks.
- Sensible financial management, without sudden or risky investments.
- A period during which it is best not to force any changes in one’s career, but rather to enjoy the achieved stability.
- Balanced actions, avoiding extreme decisions.
In the context of work and finances, the card symbolizes the maintenance of balance and the patient waiting for the right moment to initiate new ventures. Current conditions favor a calm, consistent effort.
Health and Mental Well-Being (Upright Position)
- Good condition resulting from the ability to manage one’s energy in a harmonious way.
- Avoidance of extremes in diet, exercise, and lifestyle.
- A state of inner calm, clear thinking, and controlled emotions.
- Appropriate balance between work and rest, ensuring the equilibrium of body and mind.
Temperance heralds a sensible approach to one’s body and psyche. A calm mood, absence of tension, and the ability to gauge one’s own strength are the guarantees of good well-being.
Situations and Questions (Upright Position)
- No need for haste; a tendency towards rational and balanced solutions.
- The calm resolution of conflicts through dialogue and understanding.
- Composure in the face of fluctuations, keeping a “cool head”.
- Finding a balance between expectations and real possibilities.
The Temperance card indicates an absence of abrupt changes and a time for reflection. It is the ideal moment to reassess plans and dispel unnecessary emotions.
Spirituality and Karma (Upright Position)
- Understanding the essence of moderation and compromise in spiritual development.
- Achieving harmony between the material and spiritual aspects of existence.
- Working towards inner peace and accepting things as they are.
- Consciously nurturing the virtues of patience and self-restraint.
In the spiritual realm, Temperance signifies maturity and a readiness to maintain balance among the different aspects of life. It allows for gradual growth in awareness without sudden leaps.
Reversed Meaning of the Temperance Card
Negative traits:
- Lack of determination, inertia, and excessive submissiveness.
- Wasting opportunities due to procrastination and postponing decisions.
- Unhealthy compromises or the abandonment of one’s own aspirations.
- Excessive complacency, a false sense of security in stagnation.
Reversed Temperance is being stuck in a state of inertia. The individual does not take the necessary actions, remains passive, and avoids any form of change—even when it is essential. Instead of calm, stagnation and a fear of initiating any movement prevail.
Love and Relationships (Reversed)
- Maintaining appearances, a lack of courage for difficult conversations or changes.
- Withdrawing from emotional challenges instead of trying to resolve problems.
- Building relationships out of a fear of loneliness rather than genuine engagement.
- Remaining in a cold, dispassionate relationship without prospects.
Reversed Temperance in love indicates stagnation and a lack of courage to make any changes. Emotions remain frozen, rendering the relationship dull.
Work and Finances (Reversed)
- Squandering opportunities for growth due to laziness or fear.
- Clinging to an unproductive job and being reluctant to take risks.
- Lingering in financial stagnation, with no initiative to seek better solutions.
- A state of stagnation where nothing improves, yet nothing worsens either.
Reversed Temperance in the professional and material spheres signifies wasted potential. Instead of taking action to improve their circumstances, the individual sinks into apathy and perpetual postponement.
Health and Mental Well-Being (Reversed)
- A lack of care for one’s health and ignoring the need to adopt a better lifestyle.
- Passivity that prevents the implementation of changes beneficial to the body.
- Mental stagnation and a lack of determination to overcome difficulties.
- Persisting in unhealthy habits while avoiding real efforts for improved well-being.
Reversed Temperance suggests a neglect of self-care, as if the individual has lost sight of the importance of positive changes.
Situations and Questions (Reversed)
- Postponing important decisions and avoiding necessary action.
- Stalling at a deadlock instead of seeking an exit from the impasse.
- Using the notion of calm and composure as an excuse for doing nothing.
- Complaining about the lack of change without any willingness to initiate it.
Reversed Temperance is a stagnation characterized by lethargy and a lack of the will to make any effort. It represents an escape from challenges and a shirking of responsibility.
Spirituality and Karma (Reversed)
- A lack of genuine spiritual development, with a vague fascination for a calm that lacks commitment.
- Resistance to learning karmic lessons and remaining in one’s comfort zone.
- Neglecting opportunities for an increase in awareness and clinging to safe illusions.
- Being trapped in stagnation without any spiritual meaning.
On the karmic level, reversed Temperance signifies resistance to inner evolution. The individual opts for sluggishness and ignores the signals calling for change.
Temperance as a Personal Significator
In the upright position, Temperance points to balanced, cautious, and rational individuals who value calm and harmony and are capable of stepping back to view situations objectively.
In its reversed form, the arcana describes individuals who avoid responsibility, tending to abandon their ambitions for the sake of comfort. They are the ones who would rather do nothing than take even a small risk.
Advice and Warnings from the Temperance Card
Upright position: The card advises rejecting haste and making full use of the time available to understand oneself and one’s surroundings. It warns against needless activity. It is better to act slowly yet consciously and allow the situation to mature before making any decisions.
Reversed position: In this layout, Temperance suggests breaking free from passivity. It is necessary to assess whether the lack of progress stems from genuine need or from laziness and fear. It warns against capitulating to circumstances and calls for the courage to break the stagnation.
Temperance: Meaning of the Card of the Day
Upright position: The day will be calm and free from abrupt changes. It is a time to take a breath, reflect on your situation, and avoid hasty decisions. A pleasant routine and the much-desired stability will allow you to rejuvenate and prepare for future endeavors.
Reversed position: Today you might feel a reluctance to take initiatives and might try to justify inactivity. It is better not to hide behind the appearance of calm, but to consider whether you have more at stake than mere comfort. It is unwise to postpone problems indefinitely – sometimes a minimal effort can set things in motion.