Table of Contents

How to Tell Fortune from Classical Cards? A Guide for Beginners

Divination with classical cards is a practice with a long tradition, allowing insight into the past, present, and future. In this article you will learn how to interpret the meanings of classical cards, what the basic divination techniques are, and how to interpret the card layouts in the context of love, career, health, and finances.

Introduction to Divination with Classical Cards

Divination with classical cards is based on intuition and the interpretation of the symbolism of individual cards. The classical deck consists of 52 cards, but for divination a smaller number is usually used: cards from 7 to Ace in four suits: Hearts, Clubs, Spades and Diamonds. Each suit symbolizes a specific area of life:

  • Hearts: Love, emotions, relationships.
  • Clubs: Career, work, spiritual development.
  • Spades: Health, challenges, difficulties.
  • Diamonds: Finances, wealth, material aspects of life.

Each card has its own meaning, which is further modified by the cards adjacent in the spread.

Card Numbers and Their Interpretations

Each classical card, in addition to its suit, also has a number that influences its interpretation:

  • Ace: Harbinger of new beginnings and the pure energy of the suit.
  • Two: Partnership, balance, and attraction.
  • Three: Growth, cooperation, and expansion.
  • Four: Stability and security.
  • Five: Challenges, imbalance, and adaptation.
  • Six: Harmony and achievements.
  • Seven: Wisdom and spiritual discernment.
  • Eight: Organization and setting priorities.
  • Nine: Integration and understanding.
  • Ten: Conclusion and culmination.

Meaning of Cards in Hearts (Love and Relationships)

Ace of Hearts

  • Positive meaning: Love, family happiness, good relationships.
  • Reversed: Family quarrels, difficulties in the relationship.

King of Hearts

  • Positive meaning: A mature man, a supportive partner.
  • Reversed: Deception, lack of loyalty.

Queen of Hearts

  • Positive meaning: A woman devoted to her family, a kind friend.
  • Reversed: Capriciousness, selfishness.

Jack of Hearts

  • Positive meaning: A young person, sincere friendship.
  • Reversed: Fickleness in feelings, jealousy.

Nine of Hearts

  • Positive meaning: New love, the fulfillment of dreams.
  • Reversed: A romance leading to difficulties.

Ten of Hearts

  • Positive meaning: Love success, engagement.
  • Reversed: Unfulfilled romantic plans.

Meaning of Cards in Clubs (Work and Career)

Ace of Clubs

  • Positive meaning: New ideas, breakthroughs at work.
  • Reversed: Professional problems, loss of stability.

King of Clubs

  • Positive meaning: An honest supervisor, a role model.
  • Reversed: Workplace problems, conflicts with supervisors.

Queen of Clubs

  • Positive meaning: A woman who supports your career.
  • Reversed: Malice, gossip in the workplace.

Jack of Clubs

  • Positive meaning: An ambitious young person.
  • Reversed: Deception, professional intrigues.

Nine of Clubs

  • Positive meaning: A warning of risk, a call to greater effort.
  • Reversed: Fatigue, professional burnout.

Ten of Clubs

  • Positive meaning: Promotion, professional success.
  • Reversed: Bad news related to work.

Meaning of Cards in Spades (Health and Challenges)

Ace of Spades

  • Positive meaning: Important health-related decisions. It often indicates a healing process that will bring improvement.
  • Reversed: Long-lasting health problems that may require intensive care or intervention.

King of Spades

  • Positive meaning: An experienced doctor, a specialist who will provide support in a difficult health situation.
  • Reversed: A person who hinders problem-solving, dishonesty in health or legal matters.

Queen of Spades

  • Positive meaning: An older, kind person who can help with their wisdom and advice.
  • Reversed: Jealousy, intrigue, a negative influence on your life.

Jack of Spades

  • Positive meaning: A warning against a person who might bring chaos and trouble.
  • Reversed: Conflicts, deceptions, false advisors who may cause harm.

Nine of Spades

  • Positive meaning: The end of a phase that can lead to a new beginning. Sometimes it signifies the passing of difficulties.
  • Reversed: Illness, emotional issues, or situations leading to depression.

Ten of Spades

  • Positive meaning: Journeys related to treatment or changes in health. A possibility of improvement in condition.
  • Reversed: Health problems requiring immediate attention, complications.

Meaning of Cards in Diamonds (Finances and Material Matters)

Ace of Diamonds

  • Positive meaning: News concerning finances, gains, material success.
  • Reversed: Unexpected expenses, losses, or problems related to money.

King of Diamonds

  • Positive meaning: An experienced financier, a high-ranking individual who can help with material matters.
  • Reversed: Selfishness, manipulations, exploitation of others for financial gain.

Queen of Diamonds

  • Positive meaning: A woman who brings good financial news or offers support.
  • Reversed: Jealousy, manipulation, troubles caused by false friends.

Jack of Diamonds

  • Positive meaning: An opportunity to improve your material situation, new financial possibilities.
  • Reversed: Losses caused by recklessness or lack of prudence.

Nine of Diamonds

  • Positive meaning: Financial stabilization, small but steady gains.
  • Reversed: Sudden expenses, difficulties in managing money.

Ten of Diamonds

  • Positive meaning: Financial successes, beneficial investments.
  • Reversed: Financial risk that could result in loss.

Advanced Classical Card Spreads

The Pyramid Spread

This spread is used for detailed analysis of a problem and seeking solutions. Cards are laid out in the shape of a pyramid, starting with one at the top.

  • Card 1: The central problem or question.
  • Cards 2 and 3: Possible solutions.
  • Cards 4, 5, 6: The current situation.
  • Cards 7, 8, 9, 10: The future and outcome.

The Love Spread

This spread focuses on relationships and partnerships.

  • Card 1: The significator for the querent.
  • Card 2: The significator for the partner.
  • Cards 3, 5, 7, 9, 11: The feelings of the querent.
  • Cards 4, 6, 8, 10, 12: The feelings of the partner.

The interpretation is based on comparing pairs of cards (e.g. card 3 and card 4).

Practical Tips and Curiosities

  1. Card Orientation: Each card has a meaning in both the upright and reversed positions. Make sure you mark the cards so you know which side is up.
  2. Intuition: Divination is not only about interpreting symbols – it’s crucial to trust your instincts and listen to your intuition.
  3. Card Combinations: Certain cards in a spread (e.g. the Nine of Spades next to the Ace of Spades) can modify the overall meaning. Try to notice these relationships.

Detailed Interpretations of Classical Card Spreads

Divination with classical cards is both an art and a practice that requires knowledge of the symbolism of the cards, intuition, and analysis of their interrelationships in a spread. Below you will find detailed examples of interpretations of popular spreads that will help you deepen your knowledge of cartomancy.

Examples of Spreads and Their Interpretations

One-Card Spread – Yes/No Answer

Purpose: To obtain a quick answer to a specific question.

How it works:

  1. Focus on a question that can be phrased in a closed manner (e.g. "Will I get this job?").
  2. Draw one card and interpret its meaning.
    • Red cards (Hearts, Diamonds): Answer YES.
    • Black cards (Spades, Clubs): Answer NO.

Example: Question: "Will I find love soon?"

  • Card drawn: Nine of Hearts – a positive sign. Yes, there is a high chance of someone special appearing.

Three-Card Spread – Past, Present, Future

Purpose: Analyzing a situation in a broader time context.

How it works:

  1. Draw three cards and lay them out in a horizontal line.
  2. Assign a time significance to each card:
    • Card 1: The past.
    • Card 2: The present.
    • Card 3: The future.

Example: Question: "How will my career progress?"

  • Card 1 (Past): Jack of Clubs – The efforts of a young individual, the start of a professional journey.
  • Card 2 (Present): King of Diamonds – Financial stability and the support of an experienced mentor.
  • Card 3 (Future): Ten of Diamonds – Financial success, significant career advancements.

Interpretation: The career development is heading in the right direction, but it requires wise financial management.

Pyramid Spread – Problem Solving

Purpose: To gain insight into a current problem and possible solutions.

How it works:

  1. Lay out 10 cards in the form of a pyramid:
    • Card 1 (top): The main problem.
    • Cards 2-3: Possible solutions.
    • Cards 4-6: The present situation.
    • Cards 7-10 (base): The outcome and development of events.

Example: Question: "Will my current efforts bring success?"

  • Card 1 (Problem): Nine of Clubs – Risk of professional burnout.
  • Cards 2-3 (Solutions):
    • Ace of Clubs – A new approach to work, a change in strategy.
    • King of Spades – Consulting with a mentor or specialist.
  • Cards 4-6 (Current situation):
    • Jack of Diamonds – Ambitions and opportunities for growth.
    • Ten of Spades – The need for a change in the work environment.
    • Queen of Clubs – Support from a close person.
  • Cards 7-10 (Future):
    • Nine of Diamonds – Financial stabilization.
    • Ten of Diamonds – Success in new projects.
    • Jack of Hearts – Emotional satisfaction.
    • King of Clubs – Promotion or recognition at work.

Interpretation: The current difficulties are temporary, and a change of approach along with support from a mentor will bring the desired results.

Love Spread – Relationships and Partnership

Purpose: To uncover the feelings and intentions between two people.

How it works:

  1. Choose a significator card for the querent (e.g. Queen of Hearts) and place it in position 1.
  2. Draw additional cards and arrange them according to the following scheme:
    • Card 1: You.
    • Card 2: The partner.
    • Cards 3, 5, 7, 9, 11: The feelings of the querent.
    • Cards 4, 6, 8, 10, 12: The feelings of the partner.

The interpretation is based on comparing pairs of cards (e.g. card 3 and card 4).


  • Card 1 (You): Queen of Hearts – Readiness for love, emotions.
  • Card 2 (Partner): King of Clubs – A person focused on work, who may not notice all of your needs.
  • Cards 3-4 (Feelings):
    • Nine of Hearts – A strong infatuation from your side.
    • Jack of Spades – The partner may be cautious in showing their feelings.
  • Cards 5-6 (Trust):
    • Ten of Hearts – Loyalty and stability.
    • Queen of Spades – Possible obstacles, e.g. influence of third parties.
  • Cards 7-8 (Expectations):
    • Ten of Diamonds – Building stability together.
    • Nine of Clubs – The partner expects more support during difficult times.
  • Cards 9-10 (Future):
    • Ace of Hearts – The possibility of a long-term relationship.
    • Ten of Hearts – A happy future.

Interpretation: The relationship has potential, but it requires work on mutual understanding.

Practical Questions for the Cards

In Love

  • Does the current relationship have a future?
  • What intentions does the partner have toward me?

In Work

  • Will a job change benefit me?
  • What are my chances for promotion?

In Health

  • How can I improve my well-being?
  • Are my health efforts sufficient?

In Finances

  • Will the investment be profitable?
  • How can I improve my financial situation?


Cartomancy is an art that combines symbolism, psychology, and spirituality. Divination with classical cards is not merely a way to predict the future – it is also a method of self-discovery and personal growth. When practicing divination, remember that your interpretation and trust in your intuition are the most important.

In time, you will notice that each card carries not only a universal meaning, but also a personal message tailored to your situation.