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Does tarot predict the future?

Tarot is an ancient divination and spiritual tool, consisting of a deck of 78 cards that symbolically represent various aspects of human life, emotions, and the spiritual journey. Often used as a means to gain insight into the future, tarot does not actually predict the future in an absolute way. Instead, it helps to understand current circumstances and foresee potential consequences of our actions.

Why are people afraid of tarot?

Many people are afraid of tarot, seeing it as a tool that might reveal inevitable bad news. The fear of what "the cards might say" often stems from a misunderstanding of their function. The belief that tarot works as an uncompromising oracle discourages its use and takes away the opportunity to actively shape one’s own future.

How does tarot work and what does it really say?

Tarot does not predict events in the strict sense, but rather helps to anticipate potential scenarios based on the current energies, actions, and choices. The cards indicate what might happen if we do not change our current course of action. In this sense, tarot is more of a tool that supports conscious decision-making than a prophetic oracle.

Free Will versus Destiny

One of the most important aspects of using tarot is acknowledging free will. The future is not set in stone, and tarot offers a way to understand what changes can be made to achieve the desired outcomes.

Example: If the cards indicate difficulties in a relationship, you might ask what actions should be taken to ease or avoid the conflict. This approach empowers the tarot user, allowing them to become the creator of their own life.

Tarot as a Tool for Self-Development

Using tarot can be a form of reflection on oneself and one’s decisions. The cards allow you to:

  • Understand the present: They reveal current energies and dynamics that influence the situation.
  • Plan for the future: They disclose potential consequences of certain actions.
  • Consider alternatives: They help to reveal possibilities that may not have been considered before.

How to Use Tarot?

Practical Tips

  1. Ask open-ended questions: Focus on possibilities, e.g., “What can I do to improve my relationship?” rather than “Will my relationship end?”
  2. Analyze the context: Always interpret the cards in the context of your question and situation.
  3. Trust your intuition: Tarot is an intuitive tool that requires openness to your inner feelings.
  4. Act proactively: Use the insights from the cards as inspiration to take action.

What to Avoid?

  • Asking questions about inevitabilities (e.g., “When will I die?”).
  • Uncritically accepting predictions as certainties.
  • Relying solely on tarot for making decisions.

Can Tarot Serve as a Warning?

Sometimes tarot cards may point to challenges or dangers. It is important to treat these warnings as an opportunity to prepare for different scenarios, rather than as inevitable decrees. Examples include:

  • An accident or hardship: A warning might encourage increased caution.
  • Work-related issues: It might prompt an analysis of professional relationships and the implementation of preventive measures.

Does Tarot Have the Power to Predict Death?

One of the most controversial topics related to tarot is predicting death. Most tarot readers agree that it is neither ethical nor desirable. Predictions about death can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies or excessive stress, which is why responsible tarot practitioners avoid such forecasts.

Tarot and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Many people unconsciously adjust their actions to match predictions, which makes them seem true. This is another reason why tarot should be seen as a supportive tool rather than as the determiner of our lives.

In Summary: Tarot as Support, Not an Oracle

Tarot is not a magic ball that predicts the future, but a powerful tool for self-discovery and making informed decisions. Instead of fearing what the cards may reveal, it is important to understand that we have the power to shape our own future. Tarot points to possibilities, but the final decisions belong to us.

If you decide to use tarot, remember:

  • Trust your intuition.
  • Remain an active participant in your own life.
  • Treat tarot as a support tool, not an oracle.